Deliberate Distraction is Self-Harm – DPF #481

The news, gossip, small talk, violent or sensual entertainment, a glass of your preferred intoxicant- they all serve to distract us- from the accumulated ills of our inner and outer world. They serve as an escape. Escaping from something is inevitably postponing it, perhaps even burying it it the point where it will remain with … Continue reading Deliberate Distraction is Self-Harm – DPF #481

Choose Carefully your Arena of Failures – DPF #474

Choose carefully what to fail at, for that is where you will learn the most. What do you want to learn the most about? Then aim to fail, and fail big at that. Only then will you know how to succeed. Spend your time failing, and trying to succeed, in a specific focused, and consciously-chosen … Continue reading Choose Carefully your Arena of Failures – DPF #474

Turn Every Mistake into a Mental Monument – DPF #461

Monuments are often erected in order to not forget, to immortalize something, such as the reminder of the horrors of war (for peace) or great leaders of the past. The same could be true for every single mistake you have made. Immortalize that mistake in your mind, so that it never happens again. Embed that … Continue reading Turn Every Mistake into a Mental Monument – DPF #461

DPF #205- September 14- Learn (the most) from your (biggest) Mistakes

We all make mistakes, we all fail, we slip, we fall. Learning from these mistakes enables one to grow, avoiding the inherent lessons leads to repetitive failure. THe biggest blunders tend to stay with us, mentally and emotionally. There is a good reason for this- the mind/body wants us to avoid those big mistakes at … Continue reading DPF #205- September 14- Learn (the most) from your (biggest) Mistakes

DPF #48- April 7- Turn Life’s Biggest Mistakes into Treasure

Whatever your biggest mistakes are in life, it is indeed possible to not only learn from them, but to render them more valuable than your greatest successes. The inner self wants to avoid making those same "big" mistakes again in the future so much that you are forced to recall those mistakes again and again, … Continue reading DPF #48- April 7- Turn Life’s Biggest Mistakes into Treasure