Cultivate an Alleviating Presence – DPF #485

You have the power to walk into a room and alleviate your surroundings of its misery and suffering. You can help with your presence alone, through empathy, compassion, and warmth. All it takes is a desire to be helpful towards a miserable environment. How to cultivate this? Focused and mindful effort to be aware of … Continue reading Cultivate an Alleviating Presence – DPF #485

Deliberate Distraction is Self-Harm – DPF #481

The news, gossip, small talk, violent or sensual entertainment, a glass of your preferred intoxicant- they all serve to distract us- from the accumulated ills of our inner and outer world. They serve as an escape. Escaping from something is inevitably postponing it, perhaps even burying it it the point where it will remain with … Continue reading Deliberate Distraction is Self-Harm – DPF #481

Use every Unpleasant Experience as Fuel to Resist your Reactive Nature- DPF #464

We all face situations in our daily lives that are unpleasant, unsatisfactory, or upsetting. We can accept that some are unpleasant or unsatisfactory (to our standards) without allowing them to be upsetting. Using your awareness of the tendency to react to these situations with anger/frustration/irritation, you can instead respond with the knowledge that you are … Continue reading Use every Unpleasant Experience as Fuel to Resist your Reactive Nature- DPF #464

Live Fully (not Partially) in the Present Moment – DPF #453

Daydreaming, wishing you were in bed, etc. will only take away from your present experience. There are ways to enhance your connection or intensity of experience with the present, such as prior planning, listening to music while you do something, or having a kind approach to others. There are also ways to take yourself away … Continue reading Live Fully (not Partially) in the Present Moment – DPF #453

Habits Consistently Make one’s Mind/Body Stronger or Weaker- DPF #369- February 26

You are constantly in a state of creation- creating your own future. Your habits now, today, are shaping who you will be tomorrow, next month, next year, and your conscious mind can be the architect of this future version of you. Your habits will either make you stronger, healthier, wiser, smarter, safer, with more potential, … Continue reading Habits Consistently Make one’s Mind/Body Stronger or Weaker- DPF #369- February 26

DPF #251- October 30- Strive to Be a Beneficial Force on your Surroundings

Why strive? Because it takes continuous conscious effort. Why Beneficial? Helping to improve the lives of those around you as well as the environment we share with countless life forms fulfills a major role we have as humans, as people- and can add immense satisfaction, meaning, and purpose to your life. Why surroundings? I specifically … Continue reading DPF #251- October 30- Strive to Be a Beneficial Force on your Surroundings

DPF #227- October 6- Become the Person you Want to Be

No more excuses. No more blaming your parents, your town, your teachers, your siblings, your aunt for molding you or preventing you from becoming who you really want to be. You have the power, a conscious power, to actualize your own potential. No one else can do it for you- it must be initiated and … Continue reading DPF #227- October 6- Become the Person you Want to Be

DPF #205- September 14- Learn (the most) from your (biggest) Mistakes

We all make mistakes, we all fail, we slip, we fall. Learning from these mistakes enables one to grow, avoiding the inherent lessons leads to repetitive failure. THe biggest blunders tend to stay with us, mentally and emotionally. There is a good reason for this- the mind/body wants us to avoid those big mistakes at … Continue reading DPF #205- September 14- Learn (the most) from your (biggest) Mistakes

DPF #191- August 30- Pre-Sleep Focus

Let your subconscious work for you while you are sleeping. Spend a few minutes before laying down at night to jot down something you are struggling with, a puzzling situation that needs a new perspective, insight, or a breakthrough approach in order to move forward. Write it down so that when you wake up, it … Continue reading DPF #191- August 30- Pre-Sleep Focus

DPF #155- July 25- Discover what you are Really Seeking

For me, and perhaps many others, the answer is simple- I am seeking the most sustainable and reliable means to achieving peace and maintaining it, in the face of any circumstance. Perhaps we all search for this, and end up addicted or slaves to various chemicals or activities that dominate modern society and commercial culture. … Continue reading DPF #155- July 25- Discover what you are Really Seeking