What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584


The Kirishima ,mountains, Takachiho-no-mine on left, Mount Hinamori on right, and Mount Maruoka just behind and left of Mount Hinamori, on a gorgeous winter Kobayashi City morning. The sun's light was actually this color- reflecting off the snowy peaks to create a pink hue in the sky. What thought or phrase would jumpstart your day, … Continue reading What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584

Love can Solve any Problem -DPF #575


. Love, in some form, can solve any problem. Love has many forms- kindness, compassion, helpfulness, a caring attitude, concern, respect. They are enhanced when you are connected to your deep self- your pure state of being, unblemished by the horrors and tragedies of life. In fact, I would argue that all problems exist due … Continue reading Love can Solve any Problem -DPF #575

Attain the Best of All Possible Worlds- DPF #573


Different lifestyles have their own advantages and disadvantages. A monk's lifestyle has always allured me- the vow of silence, the deep meditation, the growing of own food, the work to help others, the simple, relaxing clothing, the clean and no-nonsense appearance, the rigid schedule, the work on the inner self, the cleansing of the soul, … Continue reading Attain the Best of All Possible Worlds- DPF #573

Invest in your Surroundings – DPF #570


Investing in your environment will help you to clear up your mind, and it will also raise the quality of your day.. Invest some time and energy to de-clutter your desk/living room- wherever you spend time, especially your creative space. The less unnecessary input you have, the better your output will be. Invest with money … Continue reading Invest in your Surroundings – DPF #570

Adapt your Approach to Eliminate Tension with Time Itself- DPF #568


You have the power to eliminate tension with time itself. Tension exists because of two opposing forces that are aiming for different outcomes- thus by adapting your approach, you can eliminate all tension with time itself. Time is not an enemy you want to have. It will outlast you, and overpower you if you work … Continue reading Adapt your Approach to Eliminate Tension with Time Itself- DPF #568

What do you want to be Known/Remembered For? -DPF #567


Steven Covey, in his classic 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, offers a powerful mental exercise to "Begin with the end in mind." The exercise is simple- you imagine you are at your own funeral, and people are talking about your legacy- what do you want them to say about your life? What do you … Continue reading What do you want to be Known/Remembered For? -DPF #567

What Changes Would an Older Version of Yourself Make to your Present Self? -DPF #566


What changes would an older, wiser version of you make to your current self? This is a mental exercise inspired by Benjamin Hardy's work sharing research on the Future Self concept in psychology. An older, more experienced version of yourself can be imagined, and profited from- for this more advanced version of yourself knows what … Continue reading What Changes Would an Older Version of Yourself Make to your Present Self? -DPF #566

What Action would Please your Future Self?


Be Your Future Self Now is a book by Benjamin Hardy, which describes how to direct your future self's realization. What action would please your future self? It is an interesting mental exercise, for it forces you to visualize what will be important to you in the future, and then pulls you forwards in that … Continue reading What Action would Please your Future Self?

Aim to be a Little Better, Every Day- DPF #554

Coach Wooden, a UCLA basketball coach, is credited with this quote, which came into my life through the book Personality Isn't Permanent, by.... you guessed it- Benjamin Hardy. The idea is instead of looking for leaps forward, make consistent small improvements over time, which are feasible and which compound over time. Imagine your self a … Continue reading Aim to be a Little Better, Every Day- DPF #554

Rewire your Identity with High-Quality Inputs and Eliminating Low-Quality Inputs -DPF #552


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj-91dMvQQo This video shows the power of inputs on your identity, your outlook, your behavior, and your future. Even before watching this video, I was similarly switched on to content from Benjamin Hardy, as the overweight man was to Zig Ziglar, for the same reason- it was like a breath, no a consistent breeze- of … Continue reading Rewire your Identity with High-Quality Inputs and Eliminating Low-Quality Inputs -DPF #552