What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584


The Kirishima ,mountains, Takachiho-no-mine on left, Mount Hinamori on right, and Mount Maruoka just behind and left of Mount Hinamori, on a gorgeous winter Kobayashi City morning. The sun's light was actually this color- reflecting off the snowy peaks to create a pink hue in the sky. What thought or phrase would jumpstart your day, … Continue reading What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584

Week IV- June 19-25


Original Music Clip of the Week DPF #581- Employ Peer Pressure to your Advantage Peer pressure is likely ingrained in the minds of my generation, who grew up during the 80's War on Drugs, as an evil, destructive force that corrupts and destroys lives. There is another side to peer pressure that you may not … Continue reading Week IV- June 19-25

Take it to the Next Level….and then do it Again, Consistently Compounding your Efforts – DPF #576


Take whatever it is that you do, your main focus- and take it to the next level, and then do it again, and again. W. Edwards Deming referred to this as consistent improvement- which led to Japan's skyrocketing quality of goods in the 70's as they adopted his philosophy. Deming refers to a "stable state" … Continue reading Take it to the Next Level….and then do it Again, Consistently Compounding your Efforts – DPF #576

Adapt your Approach to Eliminate Tension with Time Itself- DPF #568


You have the power to eliminate tension with time itself. Tension exists because of two opposing forces that are aiming for different outcomes- thus by adapting your approach, you can eliminate all tension with time itself. Time is not an enemy you want to have. It will outlast you, and overpower you if you work … Continue reading Adapt your Approach to Eliminate Tension with Time Itself- DPF #568

The Secret of Tracking your Results and Progress- DPF #562


Is there a secret in tracking one's activities? Merely by writing down, keeping track of one's money spending or weight...does that by itself trigger increased awareness and progress all by itself? Pierson's law...? What about with anger management, depression, anxiety etc. could simply documenting somewhere the occasions and degree of one's anger/dark thoughts/anxious feelings lead … Continue reading The Secret of Tracking your Results and Progress- DPF #562

What can you Remove from your Life to Purify your Action towards your Desired Future? -DPF #560


This should be an ongoing exercise, for as Benjamin Hardy often quotes Marshall Goldsmith...."What got you here won"t get you there!". Whenever you are trying to streamline your effectiveness, prioritizing your focus and action is the simplest way to improve your results- and the easiest way to prioritize is to remove those elements of your … Continue reading What can you Remove from your Life to Purify your Action towards your Desired Future? -DPF #560

For What are you Optimizing your (Afternoon)?DPF #559


We all subconsciously are optimizing our morning, our lunch break, our weekend, our week, our life for something, whether you are aware of it or not. If aware of your potential to optimize your afternoon to say- focus on simplifying your garage, then you would make sure that you are not disturbed by your phone … Continue reading For What are you Optimizing your (Afternoon)?DPF #559

Acknowledge Wins and Shortcomings, no Matter the Size- DPF #555


Small wins, such as going through with a tough decision or resisting the urge to waste a few minutes during your lunch break, may seem insignificant now, but compounding could make this win a huge game-changer in your career, your life, your future. Benjamin Hardy has a paper on the wall in his closet where … Continue reading Acknowledge Wins and Shortcomings, no Matter the Size- DPF #555

Aim to be a Little Better, Every Day- DPF #554

Coach Wooden, a UCLA basketball coach, is credited with this quote, which came into my life through the book Personality Isn't Permanent, by.... you guessed it- Benjamin Hardy. The idea is instead of looking for leaps forward, make consistent small improvements over time, which are feasible and which compound over time. Imagine your self a … Continue reading Aim to be a Little Better, Every Day- DPF #554

Pre-sleep Visualization can Make any Hard Activity Easier – DPF #553


I can bear witness to this- I recently imagined getting up at 4 am (even on weekends/holidays) with no trouble until it became an established routine. I then imagined getting up to go for a jog, and the ease of which I found myself getting up and jogging was unexpected- it made the task easier … Continue reading Pre-sleep Visualization can Make any Hard Activity Easier – DPF #553