June Week V- June 26- July 2


Original Restorative Music Clip of the Week Kirishima Mountain Range Photo of the Week The magnificent Mount Takachiho-no-mine behind Mount Shinmoe, southern Kyushu, Japan (Kirishima mountain range)南九州の霧島連山、すばらしい高千穂が真ん中、右側は新燃岳 DPF #581- Become the Person Capable of Achieving your Dreams Perhaps we all think we are now capable of achieving what we want in life, if we just … Continue reading June Week V- June 26- July 2

Week IV- June 19-25


Original Music Clip of the Week DPF #581- Employ Peer Pressure to your Advantage Peer pressure is likely ingrained in the minds of my generation, who grew up during the 80's War on Drugs, as an evil, destructive force that corrupts and destroys lives. There is another side to peer pressure that you may not … Continue reading Week IV- June 19-25

What do you want to be Known/Remembered For? -DPF #567


Steven Covey, in his classic 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, offers a powerful mental exercise to "Begin with the end in mind." The exercise is simple- you imagine you are at your own funeral, and people are talking about your legacy- what do you want them to say about your life? What do you … Continue reading What do you want to be Known/Remembered For? -DPF #567

What Action would Please your Future Self?


Be Your Future Self Now is a book by Benjamin Hardy, which describes how to direct your future self's realization. What action would please your future self? It is an interesting mental exercise, for it forces you to visualize what will be important to you in the future, and then pulls you forwards in that … Continue reading What Action would Please your Future Self?

Acknowledge Wins and Shortcomings, no Matter the Size- DPF #555


Small wins, such as going through with a tough decision or resisting the urge to waste a few minutes during your lunch break, may seem insignificant now, but compounding could make this win a huge game-changer in your career, your life, your future. Benjamin Hardy has a paper on the wall in his closet where … Continue reading Acknowledge Wins and Shortcomings, no Matter the Size- DPF #555

Complete and Share Imperfect Work – DPF #536


Complete your creations, and share them with the world- even if imperfect. In fact, you should share them precisely because they are imperfect. You will learn how to improve upon it, only if you share it, get some perspective on its quality and potential benefit to others, and build upon its success and failure-wherever it … Continue reading Complete and Share Imperfect Work – DPF #536

Be Strict on Taking Action Towards your Goals, Resist Post-Goal Complacency – DPF #524

Sometimes making a goal, writing it down, and/or sharing it can feel like progress. In a sense, it is- it is a birth of a new idea. How would you handle a newborn baby? You would not let it out of your sight, you would nurture it, care for it, and assist its development until … Continue reading Be Strict on Taking Action Towards your Goals, Resist Post-Goal Complacency – DPF #524

DPF #507- Don’t be Afraid of Pursuing your Highest Potential

January 7th, 2023 Fear can prevent us all from action. Pursuing our highest potential can be scary, but it needn't be so. It may seem scary to fail at your dreams, but that is the only way to get there, by failing, learning, reassessing, and improving your skills, experience, and approach. Your highest potential will … Continue reading DPF #507- Don’t be Afraid of Pursuing your Highest Potential

Deliberate Distraction is Self-Harm – DPF #481

The news, gossip, small talk, violent or sensual entertainment, a glass of your preferred intoxicant- they all serve to distract us- from the accumulated ills of our inner and outer world. They serve as an escape. Escaping from something is inevitably postponing it, perhaps even burying it it the point where it will remain with … Continue reading Deliberate Distraction is Self-Harm – DPF #481