What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584


The Kirishima ,mountains, Takachiho-no-mine on left, Mount Hinamori on right, and Mount Maruoka just behind and left of Mount Hinamori, on a gorgeous winter Kobayashi City morning. The sun's light was actually this color- reflecting off the snowy peaks to create a pink hue in the sky. What thought or phrase would jumpstart your day, … Continue reading What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584

Week IV- June 19-25


Original Music Clip of the Week DPF #581- Employ Peer Pressure to your Advantage Peer pressure is likely ingrained in the minds of my generation, who grew up during the 80's War on Drugs, as an evil, destructive force that corrupts and destroys lives. There is another side to peer pressure that you may not … Continue reading Week IV- June 19-25

Maximize your Time and Effort in this World by Focusing on your Unique Talent(s)- DPF #571


Benjamin Hardy often talks about ways to exponentially increase your results and personal effectiveness. One of the main ways he says you can "10X" your results is by working within your "Zone of Genius" as Gay Hendricks would say it, or your "unique talent" as Dan Sullivan would put it. There is another term for … Continue reading Maximize your Time and Effort in this World by Focusing on your Unique Talent(s)- DPF #571

Adapt your Approach to Eliminate Tension with Time Itself- DPF #568


You have the power to eliminate tension with time itself. Tension exists because of two opposing forces that are aiming for different outcomes- thus by adapting your approach, you can eliminate all tension with time itself. Time is not an enemy you want to have. It will outlast you, and overpower you if you work … Continue reading Adapt your Approach to Eliminate Tension with Time Itself- DPF #568

What Changes Would an Older Version of Yourself Make to your Present Self? -DPF #566


What changes would an older, wiser version of you make to your current self? This is a mental exercise inspired by Benjamin Hardy's work sharing research on the Future Self concept in psychology. An older, more experienced version of yourself can be imagined, and profited from- for this more advanced version of yourself knows what … Continue reading What Changes Would an Older Version of Yourself Make to your Present Self? -DPF #566

What Action would Please your Future Self?


Be Your Future Self Now is a book by Benjamin Hardy, which describes how to direct your future self's realization. What action would please your future self? It is an interesting mental exercise, for it forces you to visualize what will be important to you in the future, and then pulls you forwards in that … Continue reading What Action would Please your Future Self?

Rediscover and Reinvent Yourself – DPF #564


This is a two-part challenge- 1. to rediscover yourself- what drives you, what shaped your habits and dreams up to now. This can be done with connecting with your inner self with journaling, meditation, nature retreats, reading old journals/notes you wrote, and having conversations with those who have known you for ages or when you … Continue reading Rediscover and Reinvent Yourself – DPF #564

The Secret of Tracking your Results and Progress- DPF #562


Is there a secret in tracking one's activities? Merely by writing down, keeping track of one's money spending or weight...does that by itself trigger increased awareness and progress all by itself? Pierson's law...? What about with anger management, depression, anxiety etc. could simply documenting somewhere the occasions and degree of one's anger/dark thoughts/anxious feelings lead … Continue reading The Secret of Tracking your Results and Progress- DPF #562

What can you Remove from your Life to Purify your Action towards your Desired Future? -DPF #560


This should be an ongoing exercise, for as Benjamin Hardy often quotes Marshall Goldsmith...."What got you here won"t get you there!". Whenever you are trying to streamline your effectiveness, prioritizing your focus and action is the simplest way to improve your results- and the easiest way to prioritize is to remove those elements of your … Continue reading What can you Remove from your Life to Purify your Action towards your Desired Future? -DPF #560

For What are you Optimizing your (Afternoon)?DPF #559


We all subconsciously are optimizing our morning, our lunch break, our weekend, our week, our life for something, whether you are aware of it or not. If aware of your potential to optimize your afternoon to say- focus on simplifying your garage, then you would make sure that you are not disturbed by your phone … Continue reading For What are you Optimizing your (Afternoon)?DPF #559