Goodbye DPF blog, and an Invitation to my Next Chapter

In 19 hours, this website, and blog, will cease to exist. I have come to terms with this, and I am moving forward in my next chapter- Kirishima Creations, If you are interested in my soon-to-be-released creations, including a calendar version of daily positive focus and other life-enhancing ideas, then please visit, and subscribe … Continue reading Goodbye DPF blog, and an Invitation to my Next Chapter

What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584


The Kirishima ,mountains, Takachiho-no-mine on left, Mount Hinamori on right, and Mount Maruoka just behind and left of Mount Hinamori, on a gorgeous winter Kobayashi City morning. The sun's light was actually this color- reflecting off the snowy peaks to create a pink hue in the sky. What thought or phrase would jumpstart your day, … Continue reading What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584

July 2023- Week I, July 3-9


Original Restorative Music Clip of the Week Kirishima Mountain Range Photo of the Week The lower ridges of Mount Shinmoe, of the Kirishima Mountain range, taken early June from Mount Ohata's summit. Mount Nakatake is barely visible on the left behind cloud cover. Daily Positive Focus- Mental Exercise: How can you change the trajectory of … Continue reading July 2023- Week I, July 3-9

June Week V- June 26- July 2


Original Restorative Music Clip of the Week Kirishima Mountain Range Photo of the Week The magnificent Mount Takachiho-no-mine behind Mount Shinmoe, southern Kyushu, Japan (Kirishima mountain range)南九州の霧島連山、すばらしい高千穂が真ん中、右側は新燃岳 DPF #581- Become the Person Capable of Achieving your Dreams Perhaps we all think we are now capable of achieving what we want in life, if we just … Continue reading June Week V- June 26- July 2

Week IV- June 19-25


Original Music Clip of the Week DPF #581- Employ Peer Pressure to your Advantage Peer pressure is likely ingrained in the minds of my generation, who grew up during the 80's War on Drugs, as an evil, destructive force that corrupts and destroys lives. There is another side to peer pressure that you may not … Continue reading Week IV- June 19-25

June 9th, 2023


Original Music Clip of the Day Click below to download (for free) this calendar for your own uses. june9calendar-1Download DPF (Daily Positive Focus) of the Day- Play Your Own Game This concept, once again, comes from Benjamin Hardy, and his inspiring and transformative works (books, podcasts, YouTube videos). The basic idea is that while many … Continue reading June 9th, 2023

What are you Doing when you are in your Element? -DPF #


Singularity, unique talent, bottleneck- there are many names for the action that allows you to push your boundaries- to be in flow, and perform at your highest potential. What is that action that gets you to feel "in your element", when time and self become blurred, and you surprise even yourself? For me, this has … Continue reading What are you Doing when you are in your Element? -DPF #

Every day is a Chance to Develop Qualities Present in Abundance in your Ultimate Self- DPF #577


Image of the Day Mount Takachiho from the distant peak of Mount Koshiki (Koshikidake) in the Kirishima mountain range in Southern Kyushu, Japan. Music Clip of the Day Each and every day is a wondrous opportunity to develop qualities that exist in abundance in your Ultimate self. What qualities do you wish to possess? What … Continue reading Every day is a Chance to Develop Qualities Present in Abundance in your Ultimate Self- DPF #577

Take it to the Next Level….and then do it Again, Consistently Compounding your Efforts – DPF #576


Take whatever it is that you do, your main focus- and take it to the next level, and then do it again, and again. W. Edwards Deming referred to this as consistent improvement- which led to Japan's skyrocketing quality of goods in the 70's as they adopted his philosophy. Deming refers to a "stable state" … Continue reading Take it to the Next Level….and then do it Again, Consistently Compounding your Efforts – DPF #576