What Thought would Jumpstart your Day? -DPF #584

The Kirishima ,mountains, Takachiho-no-mine on left, Mount Hinamori on right, and Mount Maruoka just behind and left of Mount Hinamori, on a gorgeous winter Kobayashi City morning. The sun’s light was actually this color- reflecting off the snowy peaks to create a pink hue in the sky.

What thought or phrase would jumpstart your day, and unleash unknown potential to an otherwise ordinary day? Perhaps one of the following:

  • “Today is going to be an amazing day.”
  • “I am going to (do that thing I have been procrastinating)…”
  • “Fear is not going to stop me this day.”
  • “Pity to the poor soul who tries to stop me today.”

I choose the first- that “today is going to be an amazing day”. What could you say? Try it for a week, and see if it makes a difference.

Please share what you will say as a comment to enter the raffle for a copy of my first edition Daily Positive Focus Calendar or my first edition Kirishima Mountain Calendar.

My original restorative music clip of the day- “July,25th, 2023”.

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