June Week V- June 26- July 2

Original Restorative Music Clip of the Week

Kirishima Mountain Range Photo of the Week

The magnificent Mount Takachiho-no-mine behind Mount Shinmoe, southern Kyushu, Japan (Kirishima mountain range)

DPF #581- Become the Person Capable of Achieving your Dreams

Perhaps we all think we are now capable of achieving what we want in life, if we just had the willpower, or the time, or the money. The reality is that there are big gaps in the person reading this, and the person who is capable of achieving what you want. There is a lot of growth that must occur internally before you are capable of externally creating/producing the desired results.

So, once you come to terms with this, then the obvious question is how to become the person that can do what you want to accomplish? Study, deliberate practice, constant immersion in the field that you wish to excel, feedback from those you respect and from experience itself (trial and error), learning from your mistakes and finding areas for improvement. The list goes on and on, dependent on the path that you must take in order to get to where you want to be, but don’t kid yourself- there is a path, and you must walk it in order to get closer to your goals. It is not merely a matter of willpower to start, but it is a process, which perhaps deep down you know will take a lot of energy, patience, hard work, and perseverance- which is why many opt out instead being content with what they currently have.

Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? Do you see now that the two questions are connected?

My Big Three this week

  1. Continue to recover from illness, and exceed former levels of health and vitality, through heightened nutrition, exercise, and deep meditation.
  2. Restart my creation blocks, including 2 creation “focus” days, where I will reserve my afternoon time for pure creation/editing with Inkscape, towards my games in development.
  3. Start recording my new music, which seems to be on the upswing, new material wanting to get out, and heard. So I aim to share my newer music on this blog this week

What are your big three priorities this week? Feel free to share as a comment below, to tap into the power of positive peer pressure, and reporting your personal progress to the world.

Get out there, and crush your week! Have an excellent one!

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