Week IV- June 19-25

Original Music Clip of the Week

DPF #581- Employ Peer Pressure to your Advantage

Peer pressure is likely ingrained in the minds of my generation, who grew up during the 80’s War on Drugs, as an evil, destructive force that corrupts and destroys lives.

There is another side to peer pressure that you may not have considered. You may be a better parent, friend, or simple human being than you might otherwise have been due to the subconscious pressures we all feel around us, whether in how we treat strangers or beggars, or how we talk to our children when our own parents are in the room. Accountability, such as announcing to everyone that you know that you are going to quit smoking, or ask that girl out, is another form of (potentially) powerful and positive peer pressure.

My Big Three (This week’s Priorities which will lead to progress towards my number one Goal)

  • Recover fully from current illness and regain high level of health and well-being, including regaining physical and mental strength.
  • Brainstorm how to increase my own level of awareness and raise the heights of my consciousness, and find ways to help others achieve the same through my creations and actions.
  • Regain control of farm plots- unattended for two weeks due to my illness.

What are your Big Three this week? Feel free to share as a comment below. I am sharing mine with the world to tap into the power of accountability, care to join me?

Otherwise, have a fantastic week!

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